Here you can find more information about the animal African snakehead

African snakehead

African snakehead

Parachanna africana

About me: Hello, I am an african snakehead. Because of my size I need live food, but not just worms, but goldfish sized fish. If you keep juveniles of my species, live food is essential. White mosquito larvae are especially good for this.
General information: Dorsal fin larger in males
Size: 9.84 inch - 13.78 inch
PH value: 6.50 - 7.00
Water hardness: 5.00 - 19.00º dGH
Temperature: 26.00 - 28.00 ºC
Schwimming position: Unten
Aquascaping ?: Dense planting, which has a darkening effect
Feed: Live food
Minimal tank capacity: 300 liters
Minimal edge length: 47.24 inch
Minimal edge height: 15.75 inch
Origin: Africa
Stream: No
Swarm or group behavior: No
Colorful: No
Fresh water: Yes
Salt water: No
Socialization possible: No

This are my friends

Unfortunately, no other animal suits me =(